We are planning to cruise soon - I've started my packing list, thought I would share... (no particular order)
Small Crossbody - for carrying phone(I use it for picture taking so I like to always have it close by) -
Fanny Pack - This is great for carrying your phone, chapstick, and sea pass card (the teenagers like this one)
Sunglasses - Grab a few cheap pairs or this super fun pair . I suggest cheap because your chances of loosing them are high! Also the reason I suggest a few pairs!
Lanyards - your cruise may require you to show your sea pass card at each meal, so lanyards are handy
Magnet for door (all the doors look the same) - This is a super cute personalized one
Travel Cup - I personally like to fill this cup and keep with me at my lounge chair - then I don't have to worry about refills as often!! Another option here
Hat - Floppy Beach Hat or Visor
Carry On- pack anything you might need before your room is ready(think beach bag) - Your suitcase will be delivered to your cabin later in the day.
Underwater Camera - if you are snorkeling, this might be a good option
Power Strip - make sure it is cruise approved - Your cabin will probably only have 2 outlets. Personally, I have never used a power strip, but lots of people choose to take one. Some of the newer ships have more outlets, so you may not need this. *check your ships policy *
Phone Charger - a portable phone charger is nice, especially if you plan to use your phone for pictures and videos in each port.
Magnet Clips - these clips are great to use on the walls, I like to hang the daily schedule up - these are not a necessity, but nice to have a few.
Toiletries - travel size works best, This case is great for the small bathroom -
Hand Sanitizer (travel size) - keychain - this is mainly for the excursions. There is plenty of hand sanitizer on the ship
Passport holder - lots of colors to choose from - each member of our family has a different color - it makes it easier to find in the bag
Sunscreen - my favorite for my face - Some destinations require Reef Safe sunscreen - be sure to check your specific locations
Book - be sure to grab a book by your favorite author, or download it on your kindle
Oils - for motion sickness, peppermint is my go to oil for this -
Medicines - Dramamine if you are prone to motion sickness - I suggest the non drowsy
Motion Sickness Bands - I wear these for the whole cruise
Snorkel Gear - many times you can rent this at your destination, we bought these and have used it on multiple cruises.
Portable Fan - great for when it's hot outside, and yoiu are doing a lot of walking
Cover up - This is my favorite cover up. I would feel comfortable wearing it to the buffet for lunch. I ordered up a size for extra flowy look and some length!
Swimsuits - I suggest bringing at least two
Pool shoes/deck shoes - you may be walking from one end of the ship to the other - make sure you are comfy! I also like to pack my tennis shoes - the ship will have a walking track around, it's a nice little work out. Check out your ships gym as well - you may want to do a few workouts.
Clothing - Comfortable clothing for each day of cruise (some days may be spent in a swimsuit all day!) Proper attire for your excursions, some may require closed toed shoes. Be sure you check! We like to dress up for dinner each night. Most cruises have a 'dress your best' night. It's typically not as formal as in the past (pre covid) Check with your cruise line for dress code - I usually recommend to dress as if you were attending a wedding. I've seen people in shorts and others in prom dresses. Other nights, you can usually find me in a simple sun dress. A sweatshirt or jacket for the evenings - it can be very breezy on the ship.
Check out my other travel tips here
Just a few suggestions for your cruise - Some links are affiliate links
**Here's a great post from another travel agent**
I am a travel agent. If you are interested in a travel quote, email me - jennifermorgantravel@gmail.com